I will be
71 in a few months.
While fixing supper tonight I received a phone call from a friend in
Georgia who wanted me to drop everything and turn on the TV to see a
full-length movie remake of the TV series "Starsky and Hutch". I had
never seen a full episode of the series, only enough to make me turn
off the set, but I decided to run down some YouTube clips of the new
movie just to humor his wishes. They reaffirmed everything I have ever
thought about the mentality of TV viewers. I had always figured the
average viewer mentality at about 6th grade but I was starting to think
it might be more like 3rd grade.
Intrigued, I Googled around trying to find research on this topic.
Instead, I stumbled onto a little 20-or-30-question quiz that purports
to determine a person's mental age. I gave it a try and learned that my
mental age is 72 years. The darn quiz was smarter than I thought. I am
wise beyond my years, it seems.
Mentally, how old are YOU?
-- Dalton Hammond